DIY Projects and Crafts

How to Make a Scrunchie Burrito Style: Step-by-Step Guide

How to Make a Scrunchie Burrito Style

You might also be thinking of making or sewing cute-looking scrunchies to gift to someone, to sell or to keep as decoration in the house, then by reading our article you can easily make many scrunchies of your choice for yourself. Step-by-step guide to creating a Scrunchie Burrito Style

I know from all the shops and stores I’ve inspected that make scrunchies using the tube method.

I also make and sell scratchers and I do not use the tube method, today I am going to teach you a new way of making Scrunchie Burrito Style that you will like very much and you can easily make the scratchers of your choice. Explore a wide variety of scrunchies at MoCrafts.

Let’s Learn

Today I will teach you the best way to make professional scrunchies, which is called the burrito method.

The burrito method is a little more complicated than the tube method, but once you get the hang of it, it will be a breeze!

How do you sew scrunchies closed?

When sewing the scrunchie closed, instead of making a tube and turning it inside out, you should first sew the short ends together, then burrito the fabric and close it to hide it from the inside.

Let’s go learn to make a scrunchie burrito style

Things you will need to make a scrunchie burrito style

  • Equipment
  • Sewing Machine
  • Sewing Scissors
  • Sewing Ruler
  • Pins
  • Rotary Cutter & Self Healing Mat (This helps in cutting the cloth strips)
  • Sewing Bodkin or Large Safety Pin (to thread the elastic through the scrunchie)

Let’s make a scrunchie burrito style

  1. First, use a sewing ruler, rotary cutter, and mat to measure and cut the chosen fabric (cutting the fabric to a size perfect for a basic scrunchie that measures 4 x 20 inches).
  2. After the fabric is cut, keeping the right sides together, sew the fabric into a loop along the short edge. Don’t forget to backstitch at the beginning and end so it doesn’t come apart later.
  3. Then, with the fabric loop laid flat on the table, press or fold the edges of the top layer together in the middle.
  4. Now, you will fold the bottom layer up and around the pinned top layer, aligning the edges while keeping the right sides together. You can pin it if that helps keep it together.
  5. See now you have a burrito with the inner layer folded side up, and the edges of the outer layer aligned to the right.
    Always keep in mind that the inner layer should remain on the left side so that it does not come in the way of the sewing needle.
  6. Then place the burrito under the needle so that the raw edges of the outer layer are on the right, and the fold is on the left.
  7. Then sew the edge down, being careful not to seal the folded layer inside the burrito.
    When you reach the end of the burrito after sewing, insert your hand inside and gently pull the inner layer out.
  8. Then once you have some of the inner layers pulled out, straighten it out re-align the edges, and continue sewing along the raw edge.
    You may need to repeat this step a few times, pulling out the inner layer that folds over the scrunchie, re-aligning it, and sewing the edge down, until you have sewn almost around the edge.
  9. Then stop sewing at least 2 inches from where you started as there should be a gap so you can turn the scrunchie right side out! (Be sure to backstitch.)
  10. Then from the 2-inch gap you left at the edge, reach in and gently pull the inner layer out to turn the scrunchie right side out.
    Watch as if by magic you will now have a beautifully hemmed loop
  11. You then use your bodkin or large safety pin to insert one end of the elastic into the hole in the scrunchie and you’ll need to be careful not to pull it all the way through.
    Once the elastic is threaded inside the scrunchie, tie or sew the ends together.
    Now your scrunchie is almost ready, but there is still an open hole.
  12. Then carefully align and straighten the folded edges by laying the scrunchie portion flat with the hole in the hem. You can pin it in place if it helps.
    Then close the hole with a simple top stitch using a look-matching thread. (You can use any thread you like)
    Then see how beautiful the scrunchie you made looks.

Looks like it looks really clean and great. It’s much more professional than the tube method.

Also Read | How to Make a Scrunchie

Why does the burrito method make super cute and irresistible scrunchies?

The burrito method makes super cute and attractive scrunchies because it is very easy to make scrunchies using this method and they look pretty after they are made. These scrunchies are saleable and everyone loves them.

This method makes it easy to have the scrunchie and elastic two separate pieces that can stretch and shrink independently of each other, which makes the look and function of the scrunchie much better!

There are two ways to make this scrunchie, one that is easy to make and one that is beautiful.

Let me tell you a beautiful way to do this. Close the hole by hand using a ladder stitch or some other type of invisible stitch. This hides the seam and makes the scrunchie look great.

Hope you have now learned the burrito method. I believe this is the best way to make scrunchies. Once you get the hang of it, it will only take you about 5 minutes to make these scrunchies, and they will be so much fun to make that you will feel great about yourself and inspired to make new scrunchies of your own.

Let us know what do you thing about our Scrunchie Burrito Style article and If you Love hair accessories and scrunchies? Catch all the fun and info on our Instagram

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